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Professor Huang Shizhou Ruijin Hospital, how to talk about p

Time:2014-01-20 16:56Source:未知 Author:PAUL ZENG Click:
Moderator words ] Not long ago , Liaoning aircraft carrier sea trials go , J- 15 carrier aircraft successfully landing a success , after returning our excellent aviation experts, the chief architect of the F- 15 aircraft Luoyang unfortunate
Moderator words ]
Not long ago , Liaoning aircraft carrier sea trials go , J- 15 carrier aircraft successfully landing a success , after returning our excellent aviation experts, the chief architect of the F- 15 aircraft Luoyang unfortunately fallen , according to doctors discovered after the diagnosis , he is due to a large area of ​​myocardial infarction leading to sudden death. This tragedy once again sounded the people to life-threatening cardiovascular disease, alarm , especially in the fall and winter season , there are statistics that this is a season of high incidence of cardiovascular disease and how to prevent deserves the full attention of the community .
Why Cardiovascular disease is currently the world's highest mortality a class of diseases ? Coronary heart disease is caused by what the cause ? What are the symptoms mainly related ? The main methods of prevention of coronary heart disease are there? For what has been a corresponding control in patients with coronary heart disease high blood pressure , high cholesterol, high blood sugar , smoking and obesity should be taken ?
2012年12月25日(周二) 15:00-16:00 , Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Ruijin Hospital cardiology chief physician Professor Huang Shizhou guest LONDON "To the public that something " program on "Prevention of cardiovascular disease in winter " netizen discussion topic .
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[ Guest Introduction ]
Huang ten continents , male, Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Ruijin Hospital , director of cardiology physician, professor . Distinguished experts who served as the Ministry of Health Republic of China , vice chairman of the National Committee on Quality Control of Medical Records , members of the Expert Committee of Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau , Shanghai Municipal Committee , chairman of cardiovascular sub-health association , deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of chronic Rehabilitation Medical Research Council and other positions . Professor Wong trained a large number of young Cardiology experts , these young medical professionals are currently active on other overseas clinical and administrative positions.
Professor Wong has been compiled with a " specialist clinic - common cardiovascular disease " (ed. ) , " Handbook of Internal Medicine clinical diagnosis " ( Associate Editor ) , " infectious diseases ", " Medicine Handbook" , "Shanghai Medical Record writing rules " papers have " direct current cardioversion arrhythmias , " and so on. Professor Huang specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease , angina , myocardial infarction , viral myocarditis , cardiac arrhythmias ( premature beats , atrial fibrillation , tachycardia, conduction block ) , heart failure.
Professor Huang throughout the country in recent years, "Modern Health Education " lecture thousands of games , toured the north and south , even to the old, small , side , and poor areas , involving the scope of the audience of all ages young and old cadres , intellectuals and ordinary many aspects of the masses, in addition to explaining the content expertise and medical aspects of clinical experience , but also Chief and psychology, physiology , sociology, humanities , philosophy and ethics , etc. , a simple and easy to understand , has been widely welcomed by the audience achieved good social effects.
A spokesman for a
[ Moderator ] :
Not long ago , Liaoning aircraft carrier sea trials go , J- 15 carrier aircraft landing successfully complete success , the return voyage of outstanding aviation experts, the chief architect of the F- 15 aircraft Luoyang unfortunately fallen , according to doctors discovered after the diagnosis , he is due to a large area of ​​myocardial infarction leading to sudden death. This tragedy once again sounded the people to life-threatening cardiovascular disease, alarm , especially in the fall and winter season , there are statistics that this is a season of high incidence of cardiovascular disease and how to prevent deserves the full attention of the community .
Why Cardiovascular disease is currently the world's highest mortality a class of diseases ? Coronary heart disease is caused by what the cause ? What are the symptoms mainly related ? The main methods of prevention of coronary heart disease are there? Who already have high blood pressure , high cholesterol, high blood sugar , smoking and obesity in patients with coronary heart disease risk factors, which should take the appropriate control ?
2012年12月25日(周二) 15:00-16:00 , Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Ruijin Hospital cardiology chief physician Professor Huang Shizhou guest LONDON "To the public that something " program on "Prevention of cardiovascular disease in winter " topics for discussion with friends .
[ Moderator ] :
Members LONDON users Hello everybody , welcome to watch jointly organized by Shanghai to the public network and LONDON LONDON full live by the "To the public that something " program, I'm your host Yun Hui . Today, we are invited to Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Ruijin Hospital cardiology chief physician Professor Huang Shizhou guest LONDON on " Winter cardiovascular disease prevention," the topic for discussion with friends , Professor Huang Hello .
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Moderator good , ladies LONDON users Hello everybody afternoon. Today is Christmas, first of all wish you a Merry Christmas friends . We all know that cardiovascular disease is currently the world's highest rates of disease , experts recently Liaoning No. F- 15 after the completion of the task , return the way Mr. Luo Yang in sudden death . Later, after a doctor's examination found died of myocardial infarction. A very wide range of cardiovascular diseases , especially coronary heart disease is a major killer of harm in the elderly , and at a younger age trend, especially in the cold after the blood vessels to contract, blood pressure rises , the body's internal environment occurs Ruran change , a series of diseases will explode.
[ Moderator ] :
First would like to ask , for example, we have just mentioned news events , the chief architect of the F- 15 Luoyang sudden death , so there is no increase in the incidence of this trend?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Mr. Luo Yang to perform this important task pressure is very large , after the completion of the mission went down , he himself did not know in advance with heart disease , there is no little measure , the event is quite terrible and serious, society and the state is very heavy losses , Luo Yang only 51 years old.
[ Moderator ] :
Like you said , in addition to the season , the pressure should be a very important part , the pressure is not very dangerous factor ?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Yes, the case of coronary heart disease , I give you a basic introduction , coronary heart disease is caused by atherosclerosis , hardening a long time or if you are serious , it will affect the entire myocardial tissue blood supply and oxygen , and some patients will be manifested as arrhythmia , etc., there are some patients showed poor cardiac function , some patients and even sudden death. So there are various manifestations of coronary heart disease , I am very simple for everyone to talk about angina, chest pain, feeling part of it is there is oppression , the pain is not very long , often thirty-five minutes , when you can shoulder pain to the left of Department of Radiology and the left upper extremity pain when you can use nitroglycerin ease. Many are not typical , for example, pain in the upper abdomen , went to the hospital after doctors thought it was the stomach , etc., and even some patients on the operating table , ready to operate an investigation is angina or myocardial infarction. So I want to use a word that the older person if unexplained pain appear, and the last words of some diseases , such as hypertension and so on, we have to think of the possibility that patients with coronary heart disease , the relevant checks to be carried out . Like myocardial infarction is tissue necrosis , and it can not eased nitroglycerin , the patient will be some symptoms, a number of other complications occur , sometimes even fatal . So this is harmful to human health is very important to our disease . However, neither of these diseases can not be prevented.
[ Moderator ] :
  Yes, it 's high risk , including the risk factors that we are needed Xiangmi explain . Many people would like to mention the time of coronary heart disease is not a disease of old age , but it is now emerging trend of younger , also mentioned the high -risk population , we say that although the age is one aspect , but there are many other risk factors resulting in a high-risk population , to help us introduce the high-risk population is what ?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Age is occurring in the elderly , but there is a trend of younger , we in children from an early age to begin maintenance , pay attention . I tell you a small example , in the early 1950s , died in the Korean War 50% of American soldiers have mild atherosclerosis, hardening with age more and more powerful , and finally symptoms occur. Therefore, we should pay attention to the prevention of the words are not necessarily going to start after the middle-aged , young man about to begin .
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Again when the symptoms of the disease there is a little more difficult to remove , so prevention should start as early as the beginning.
[ Moderator ] :
So in addition to age factor , what factors?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Generally prone to coronary heart disease following several diseases , first of hypertension , high blood lipid second , third diabetes , and obesity are also prone to these diseases , the fifth bad habits, particularly smoking, tobacco cardiovascular harm is very large , the difference in addition to occupational factors , dietary habits, areas prone to coronary heart disease will cause factors , the most important of the five that I mentioned earlier .
[ Moderator ] :
What kind of factors that family history plays it?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Family history is also very important that we prevent coronary heart disease from the previous generations began, family factors have a problem with a family lifestyle , because the same family which habits are similar , for example, like to eat meat , blood lipids on easy high , hardening of arteries is easy , there are some family members of mind is not very good , the mentality of coronary heart disease also have a very close relationship. World Health Organization put us a person's health problems and life issues if the score was then hit 100 points in 60 minutes in control in their own hands inside, 40 minutes is difficult to control yourself , for example, 15 points is 40 points inside genes, 10 are social factors , eight minutes is a medical condition , seven minutes of the natural environment , which is 40 minutes you personally difficult to grasp. There are 60 minutes lifestyle habits is that they can control , for example, eating habits , such as bad habits, particularly smoking, staying up late , gambling , etc., have very serious effects on the cardiovascular , and these habits can changed. There are obese people can lose weight , obesity is also prone to coronary heart disease.
[ Moderator ] :
Also just mentioned may also have some incidence among different regions, so there is a view that says the coastal areas of high incidence of cardiovascular disease will be easy , why?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
For example, there was an island above the Pacific Ocean , the residents of the island above is the staple food of cocoa as food , but they are not very high incidence of coronary heart disease , this manual has a relationship with the residents , they often perform manual labor , the incidence rate is not very high . Some areas contain trace elements in the water inside of a relationship , so we pay attention to nutrition and water, etc. , trace elements are to be taken into account , fat, protein , carbohydrates, trace elements are necessary for our body essential nutrients , but there are not too many , for example salt , salt and eat a lot of bad, we are now limited to six grams countries , in fact, Americans eat two grams , but we now have many areas we eat are very salty so do not eat salty .
[ Moderator ] :
In addition, we have just mentioned prone population , if we suffer from coronary heart disease, medical treatment means now what?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
If coronary heart disease , now more treatments , such as drug therapy , for example, there are some vasodilatory drugs , some drugs increase myocardial blood supply , some antiarrhythmic , and interventional therapy , for example, let stand , to see if the stenosis by angiography to put more than 70 percent support, if needed , then put on hold while prone myocardial infarction, and some people even put two , three . Some people put the bracket does not work , you may need bypass surgery , it is determined based on the specific circumstances of each person , and some people need medication , and some people need surgery , more diet, diet must be corrected , a scientific diet. Here I mention that the United States has an old association referred to a health education is very important, among the English people are Person, P represents the ideals and objectives , e represent the movement , because life is movement , r representatives entertainment , S is sleeping , have enough quality sleep , o is aerobic activity , n is representative of nutrition , is to science diet. I will give you mention the prevention of coronary heart disease among the very important issue , a problem eating , our diet is pagoda -shaped , below the base is to ensure that food , then the above is stable fruits and vegetables , then the above is to increase the soy milk, adjustment fish again above the top limit the condiments, including salt, sugar, spicy oil to restrictions. Should be a pagoda -shaped basic nutritional way , you can not eat too much too full , so the diet should be scientific diet. We should not eat very much bread to eat six or seven points is enough, so be moderate , science diet. Second , we must pay attention to attitude, good or bad is very important, I can be very simple way, from the perspective of mind health issues , life issues , every heart can do a great article , but the meaning is not the same as , for example, to health, heart and brain to normal , on behalf of the organ to be normal , to feel comfortable , to peace of mind , tender hearted , heart of India should , because everyone going to the middle class , and social contacts should also to hearted , do some good things on mood and health are good, so each heart the following meanings are not the same .
[ Moderator ] :
We also returned to the prevention of problems, we know the risk factors for prevention must be raised , the risk factors were age , gender issues, but we uncontrollable factors which have diet, mentality . So in addition to diet and mentality it?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
There ecological activities , is more to the environment and ecological environment under the following activities , nature, breathe fresh air , enhance enhance physical fitness, improve improve mood , to go to the middle of the ecological environment , such as a garden inside the body to travel affirmed good. To continue to participate in some activities in the ecological environment , exercise is good for health .
[ Moderator ] :
So obesity and smoking are not also have some impact?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Referred to the problem of obesity , now with the development of society, enhancing economic everyone to eat well, the opportunity to eat too much, have a car , do not walk, many people have long fat. I once said that once obesity is now more overweight people , Chinese people 's standard weight has a very simple method that is your height minus 105 kilograms , the weight must be in control , we must always go to your attention weight. We should pay attention to hold your mouth , more active , eat less , especially oil , sweet eating , fat inside the body , there are many imbalances after factors out, that time is more difficult.
[ Moderator ] :
In addition to the diet we speak of sports, mentality , in fact, the concept of health is very important, for example, to go to a regular medical examination , how you think about this issue?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
About Obesity me repeat what I mentioned a few years ago , when obesity in the People's Broadcasting Station , I have such a sentence, if you weigh more than your standard weight more than 30 % is expected in the next decade quest for heart disease so we pay attention to your body weight problems . As our examination is now living conditions are good , everyone is also more emphasis on health issues , there are a lot of units are often organized examination, physical examination can be found through early disease , for example, found that high blood pressure and found that high blood lipids, high uric acid , glucose high, even so the problem can be found in the tumor timely treatment , prevention of these diseases may be put in the bud . However, if the intermediate examination process discovered a disease, did not know , later found to affect your mind , then we have the right to treat mental collapse is a problem otherwise occur , in general by physical examination , a year check again , and some require six months , depending on each person's specific circumstances. If you find a particular issue , at this point of catching it, and then extend some check items.
[ Moderator ] :
When we talk about risk factors have friends to express their views , think I was very young , very slim , no " three high" , is not such a person does not have coronary heart disease ?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Yes, there are many factors which coronary heart disease , but also thin , no high blood sugar , high cholesterol , coronary heart disease have occurred , because it involves a lot of factors, such as pneumonia, do not smoke will get lung cancer , we diagnose a disease is multifaceted, comprehensive consideration , comprehensive consideration , we have to believe in science . What is science, and science is for nature, for society , for people thinking a knowledge system called science, so we must respect science, we have to respect the reality through some checks that check down some very good , is not normal, and some need to review, and some need to expand inspection items , sometimes I will give patients six words , follow-up observations, maintenance, these six words is very important.
[ Moderator ] :
We are not just talking about a lot of disease prevention factors , from the perspective of the diet , from the perspective of the movement , from the perspective of mind to , from the perspective of lifestyle and so on. But if already suffering from coronary heart disease , we have to understand some of the risk is not a signal it?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Yes, because the majority of coronary heart disease occurs in middle-aged , in the middle of the crowd appeared chest pain , these symptoms should consult a doctor inside the hospital to check, check the ECG , some do CT, angiography done , do the relevant checks investigation to understand.
[ Users 322442 ] Q:
[ 13 ] often heard people say , the possibility of lips purple heart disease is relatively large, is that right ? Life experience tells us that the temperature down if not add clothes to keep warm , cause people to be cold when the lips are also purple, which can cause heart attack it?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Purple , usually fingernails , toenails , purple lips easily , I have come across a patient had a very serious heart attack, he asked me how long he can live , if I answered him only live half months, he would collapse spirit , we can not answer , I say how much time a person living God does not require that everyone should pay attention to , especially if you're a bad heart so more people pay attention to , for example, to a day fed and warm , do not eat, you eat , pay attention to rest , to pay attention to a good attitude , a good fit with the doctors attention , regular medication, so that you can live forever , and do not pay attention , they would fall down , so we have to a kind of a good attitude, with the right scientific attitude towards their disease .
[ Users 452723 ] Q:
[ 19 ] heart failure patients what to do to protect themselves , slow the progression of the disease, prevent illness worsened ?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Heart failure is a very bad heart function , heart is a pump inside the body , the blood inside the body to hit , and then return flow to the heart , to supply the entire body, the various organs of blood nutrients , if the heart is not good , it will swollen legs , and even systemic edema, we will reduce the burden on the heart, not tired , and we eat a little light , sometimes you want to eat a little appropriate diuretics , drugs improve heart function , as well as with increased myocardial blood supply of the drug , but enough is enough , you can not use too much. I often say to the maintenance of the body , the heart to repair out . The famous physiologist , psychologist Ivan Pavlov two words spoken before death , the first thing I'm busy , I'm the second sentence of death . His death had nothing to fear , no fear, he seems to enter into another world inside, he said I was dead at that time a little faint of heart , but his attitude is very good, this is out of repair .
[ Users 083592 ] Q:
[ 20 ] Some people encounter something goes wrong will say , " Damn it ! " It was really life and death because of excessive anger . Why are people angry when the heart can cause sudden stops and died ?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
If you hit something a person very angry, I have met some CEOs work very seriously , particularly high requirements of subordinates , sometimes I talk to him , you should seriously but not too seriously , you do not come under good, do not get angry when you are not satisfied , you should consider this as an opportunity to test and refine you and tolerant atmosphere , because anger of the people hurt , hurt myself , so do not get angry .
[ Users 390375 ] Q:
[ 24 ] a very fast pace of modern life , many people work more intense , long-term overload , usually do not have time to exercise , and occasionally a little time to relax , think "Life is movement ", that is , so he chose to go quickly gym or outdoor suburban hills Kuanglian about it, they think this is good for the body , but recent media repeatedly reported incidents of sudden death in sports , can not help but doubt that this form of exercise science?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
I 've just mentioned one thing is the golden rule, we put everything should be moderate, not crazy , and exercise is a long process , not the movement of the time did not previously make it up , everyone has everyone 's circumstances, for example, occupational , and some have been sitting in the office is not professional sports , so sports to do it slowly , do some manual labor , this is not the same . There are physical condition of the original foundation , cardiac function how, if their constitution is very poor, poor cardiac function , if the mountain can not stand running , and can not produce any symptoms after exercise , not for sports and exercise , after you exercise If angina , then the movement is not suitable for you , so be moderate , not excessive .
[ Users 492269 ] Q:
[ 32 ] older is not, experiencing fatigue or stress occurs when the chest pain, accompanied by sweating, pain will radiate up to the shoulder, arm or neck, which is why ? Generally what reason ? How should guard against ?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
In 1975 , when Yugoslav President visit Shanghai at that time to greet guests in the band, the band commander inside very tight , very tired. He had angina occurs at this time, the pain is very powerful, but because of timely treatment then fine , the results over a period of time to rest inside his home , suddenly myocardial infarction , to a large area of ​​the emergency diagnosis of myocardial infarction after myocardial infarction, and arrhythmia , etc., the consequences after the rescue to save their lives. But not excessive tension for the elderly or people with heart disease before , it is best to carry some medicine , such as nitroglycerin, Shexiangbaoxin balls , with a little carry to prevent sudden accidents.
[ Users 077628 ] Q:
[ 39 ] weather conditions still have a very significant effect on heart disease , and Professor Wong is experienced experts , can give us about the popularity of expertise in this area ?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
Winter temperatures drop , cold weather , especially when the seasons change , or in the outdoor air temperature inside the room that much difference , this time easily vasoconstriction, blood pressure will rise, so will increase the burden on the heart , usually no symptoms can occur at this time . Therefore, we should pay attention to in the winter , when fed and warm , do not open the hot air conditioning , indoor and outdoor temperature difference is generally three to five degrees, not much difference, all of a sudden contraction of blood vessels too easy after the elderly or cardiovascular there are problems with these features than the poor man , and can not adapt , can not adapt easily occur after a sudden accident or even sudden death. Luo Yang is the chief architect of this season , his premise on this particularly heavy work pressure inside a few months , especially tired, he was the chief architect of the pressure F- 15 is very large, the state should he make such a big contribution is very not easy, but critical juncture in which he suddenly fell down, and it is a pity .
[ Users 534639 ] Q:
[ 44 ] I heard that swollen feet is one of the symptoms of heart disease , many women , especially lower extremity edema , is regarded as a precursor to heart disease need to be vigilant , ask Professor Huang , this argument make sense?
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
There are many reasons for lower limb edema , heart disease is one of the reasons , not the only reason , lower extremity edema may be kidney disease , endocrine disorders , or for other reasons , such as tumor-induced heart disease is a major cause of lower extremity edema , but not the only reason , so be specific analysis, comprehensive consideration.
[ Users 657557 ] Q:
[ 50 ] recently noted a report, saying the prevention of atherosclerosis grabbed from teenagers to start , how to catch ? What caught
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
We are now seeing the children in the street fat , fat is not a good thing to start early , not just children, or even generations have begun to pay attention , for example, to eat something to eat outside special care , engage the poor eat on the waste oil, very upscale stores can not eat the cake inside , because there are trans-fatty acids , easily cause allergic diseases , cancer or cardiovascular disease are prone to , we have to go too far , can not eat too much.
[ Users 520920 ] Q:
[ 106 ] What is the formation of blood clots ? And whether the close relationship between the usual diet ? What are the foods can effectively reduce or lower the risk of thrombosis
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
From the above, we suggest that you in terms of diet to eat more vegetables , plants, animals eat less . When my daughter graduate had a few words sum up , she said she made the diet eat something farther away from humans as possible , but also a grain of truth . But it can not be zero cholesterol , fat is the basic substance of our nutrition. I once went to Ningbo , Ningbo Municipal Committee with the principal leaders together to eat, take up a pot of Melaleuca meat , half fat and half lean , they do not eat, I also say to eat a little fat , but can not eat too much, if you can not eat high blood lipids , but not absolutely can not eat , enough is enough .
[ Users 687242 ] Q:
[ 122 ] For patients suffering from cardiovascular disease , the home or carry emergency medicine should be prepared which
[ Guest yellow Shizhou ] :
For example nitroglycerin, because nitroglycerin is the role of dilation of blood vessels , which is included in the tongue over a minute after coronary artery will expand, traditional Chinese medicine , there are many , HMP , save the pill can be a little more prepared . Heart does not stop a single minute in for you , so you have to protect the good , good care of your heart , to protect every moment of it , this will help your family , but also conducive to social , winter especially on older people should pay special attention to the problem of fed and warm , eating problems , problems activities , the issue of bad habits , weight concerns should note that there is smoke , not just the problem of lung cancer , cardiovascular there are many and smoking are related, our country is smoking superpower, but also of lung cancer superpower. I am looking at this clinic patient when I know I let him smoke is impossible not to smoke him , I told him that only one life , life is your own , for those you do not smoke , and poor living get rid of the habit is certainly good for you , but it is not so easy.
(Editor:PAUL ZENG)
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